Purdue 38 by 38 Award Winner: Kiernan McCullough

Kiernan McCullough camp physics colorado

  Blog post courtesy of: Purdue University   “My time at Purdue was highly influential in my current success. At Purdue, I was exposed to some of the most brilliant and creative minds I have ever encountered. The many unique approaches to problem solving taught me valuable lessons that I have been able to apply…

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She’s Helping Her ‘Small Community’ by Volunteering

Jen Stickel CAMP colorado associates in medial physics

Blog post courtesy of: American Board of Radiology    It’s a challenge to find subject matter experts from smaller fields who can volunteer as ABR question writers, Angoff committee members, or oral examiners. Nuclear medical physicist Jen Stickel, PhD, is an exception. She has filled all three roles for her specialty since becoming a volunteer in 2016.…

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AAPM Elects Olivier Blasi as Fellow of the Association

AAPM Olivier Blasi CAMP Colorado Medical Physics

  AAPM Elects Olivier Blasi as Fellow of the Association ALEXANDRIA, Va. (August 1, 2024)—The American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) is pleased to announce that Olivier Blasi has been elected a Fellow of the Association. The category of Fellow honors members who have distinguished themselves by their contributions in research, education, or leadership…

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