
Explore Courses by category

Select the tabs below to view available courses. Look for the yellow certified banners to learn which courses are ASRT certified and accepted as continuing education credits.

why choose camp?

At CAMP Academy, we are dedicated to elevating your career through cutting-edge education, training and hands-on experience.

Learn from seasoned professionals who are leaders in the field of medical physics. Our instructors bring decades of experience and cutting-edge knowledge to every course, ensuring that you receive the most current and relevant of experience and cutting-edge knowledge to every course, ensuring that you receive the most current and relevant information.

Earn valuable ASRT credits for continuing education. Our curriculum helps you stay certified while advancing your skills in cutting-edge techniques and best practices.

We understand that everyone’s schedule is different. That’s why we offer flexible online courses that allow you to learn at your own pace, whenever and wherever it’s convenient for you.

All Courses

Annual training for Radiologic Technologists

This session should be completed by radiologic technologists and other staff in potentially higher risk fluoroscopy environments including cardiac catheterization labs, interventional radiology labs, and hybrid ORs.

DOT Radioactive Material Packages

For receiving and sending radioactive material packages in a limited manner for materials management, loading dock, or other staff who may occasionally interact with radioactive material packages.

MRI Safety for non-MR Personnel

This course covers security staff, EVS staff, radiology staff who do not typically work in an MR environment, and others.


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