CAMP-collated ABR Exam Prep Resources
CAMP does not endorse, sponsor, or guarantee the accuracy of the study guides listed. These resources are aggregated based on recommendations from the medical physics community and are provided solely for informational purposes. CAMP does not receive any financial benefit from including these guides. Users are advised to independently verify the content, as CAMP is not responsible for any inaccuracies or outdated information within these materials.
- ABR (free)
- AAPM Resources (included with membership)
- AAPM Code of Ethics
- Relevant to specialty AAPM Medical Physics Practice Guidelines (MPPGs)
- Relevant to specialty AAPM Task Groups (TGs)
- MPLA Case studies – helpful to think through how you might approach a challenging situation in the clinic
- Oncology Medical Physics (paid)
- Raphex (paid)
- “Bushberg” – The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging Study Guide (paid)
- Cherry et al “Physics in Nuclear Medicine”
- ACR QC Manuals (CT, MRI, NM/PET, Mammo, US, Monitors)
- Khan’s The Physics of Radiation Therapy
- Karzmark – A Primer On Theory and Operation of Linear Accelerators in Radiation
- A thorough yet concise primer on the operation of a linear accelerator. Be sure you know how to explain, start to finish, how radiation is produced in one of these high energy accelerators and what all the relevant components are.
- We Passed (paid)
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