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Select the tabs below to view available courses. Look for the yellow certified banners to learn which courses are ASRT certified and accepted as continuing education credits.
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Annual Training for CT Technologists
Radiation safety and radiation dose monitoring in the CT environment to meet requirements of CDPHE and TJC.
Annual training for Inpatient I-131 Therapies
Reviewing safety and regulatory requirements for nurses or nuclear medicine technologists.
Annual training for Level 1 MR Personnel
Limited MR safety training for staff that are never unsupervised in the MR scan room.
Annual Training for MRI Technologists
Training on practical aspects of the ACR Manual on MRI Safety for both MRI technologists and other Level 2 MR personnel.
Annual Training for Nuclear Medicine Technologists
Focused on quality control and regulatory requirements for CDPHE compliance.
Annual training for personal Radiation Dosimeters
This course is appropriate for anyone with a dosimeter who is not assigned another course.
Annual training for Radiologic Technologists
Designed for radiologic technologists and other regular users of fluoroscopy.
DOT training for Nuclear Medicine Technologists
Review of requirements for sending and receiving radioactive materials. Training certificate is valid for three years.
DOT Radioactive Material Packages
This course is for staff other than nuclear medicine technologists and covers sending and receiving radioactive materials in a more limited manner.
Firefighter MRI Safety training
High level overview of safety considerations of emergent response around MRIs.
MRI Safety for non-MR Personnel
Basic MRI safety awareness appropriate for anyone who may work near an MRI.